NFT Rewards

Goon NFTs in the GOB universe yield $CHUNKS tokens for you on Arbitrum. Simply hold unlisted Goon Avatars in your wallet to start earning!

The current yield emissions depend on how much tax is collected from trading activities. Currently, 1% is collected on both buys and sells.

Reward Distribution

Rewards are automatically distributed on the first of each month. A wallet snapshot is taken that day to determine Goon NFT ownership, and rewards are distributed as follows:

RewardPerNFT=RewardsCollected/9696Reward Per NFT = RewardsCollected / 9696

Discontinued Reward System

Previously, NFT rewards were denominated in $GOB tokens and had a steady daily yield. This is now discontinued, but users can still view their rewards status and claim their tokens on the claim page. Tokens can only be claimed on Arbitrum, and eligible users can receive a one-time ETH airdrop to kick off their Arbitrum experience.

The claim page shows two values of interest:

  • Locked Rewards: Your 90% pre-TGE rewards are vested over 365 days from August 31, 2022.

  • Available to Claim: Your claimable rewards on Arbitrum.

The terms of the reward claim depend on if they were generated before or after $GOB's token generation event (TGE) on August 31, 2022:

  • Tokens accumulated before TGE had a 10% release on August 31; the remaining 90% was vested over 365 days with daily unlocks.

  • Tokens accumulated after TGE are instantly unlocked daily.

Last updated