Goon Avatars

Goons Metadata

GET https://goons.goonsofbalatroon.com/token/{id}

Returns the metadata of a Goon based on its ID

Path Parameters

Goons Image

GET https://goons.goonsofbalatroon.com/image/{id}

Returns a static image of a Goon based on its ID

Path Parameters

Goon Bods

Bods Metadata

GET https://bods.goonsofbalatroon.com/token/{id}

Returns the metadata of a Bod based on its ID

Path Parameters

Bods Image

GET https://bods.goonsofbalatroon.com/image/{id}

Returns a static image of a Bod based on its ID

Path Parameters

World of Balatroon Lands

Lands Metadata

GET https://lands.goonsofbalatroon.com/token/{id}

Returns the metadata of a Bod based on its ID

Path Parameters

Lands Image

GET https://lands.goonsofbalatroon.com/image/{id}

Returns a static image of a Bod based on its ID

Path Parameters

Goon Cards

Cards Metadata

GET https://cards.goonsofbalatroon.com/token/{id}

Returns the metadata of a Card based on its ID

Path Parameters

Cards Regular and Shiny Image

GET https://cards.goonsofbalatroon.com/image/regular/{id}

Returns a regular static image of a Card based on its ID.

Path Parameters

GET https://cards.goonsofbalatroon.com/image/shiny/{id}

Returns a shiny static image of a Card based on its ID.

Path Parameters

Last updated